Saturday, May 05, 2007

Spiderman III

Our whole family went down to Richmond Centre today to watch the afternoon matinee: Spiderman III. It has been a long while since our last movie together, and it was good. All of us enjoyed it, and my wife even said this is the best of the Spiderman movies. One of my favourite scenes happens to be the light-hearted French restaurant moment where the French-speaking staff tries to 'help' Peter Parker set up the marriage proposal stage to MJ. Alas, the proposal fell through, but I thought it was funny how the whole effort to make it a romantic evening took quite a humourous twist. The special effects were good and pretty realistic. However, it did not explain scientifically a number of things. What the black gooey stuff was, how it gets transferred to another guy, and the many effects of the transformation of Sandman. The audience simply has to guess. The romance factor was ticklish but the newer girl in the block, Stacy, tends to be a slight distraction, and the character fades away pretty quickly as the plot follows. What a waste. Most memorable of the movie is the short one-liners that drove home the need to make the right choices. For me, that is worth the price of admission.

Memorable quotes from Spiderman III.
"It's the choices we make that makes us who we are, and we always have a choice to do what is right."

"I forgive you." (where all forms of weapons and resistance failed, these three words is more than enough to make Sandman go away)

The movie gets my thumbs-up for good, wholesome family entertainment.


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