Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Creativity and Time

I came across this video clip today that demonstrates the link between creativity and time. Granted that we live in a fast-paced world, often, we demand results according to what we want, and in the process miss out on the beauty of play, of creativity, and of enjoying the process of putting our imagination to work. The trouble is, we have become way too impatient to allow the free flow of ideas. We are too stingy with time, especially when it comes to demanding quick results from others. Look at the video here and let it be a reminder that if we want creativity, give it time. If we just want mere monotonous offerings, go ahead and let time be the pressure cooker. Perhaps, one reason why many people hate getting up for work each morning is because they are constantly being rushed and pushed beyond what they are naturally capable of. The good things in life are like gardening. We give time for seeding, for watering, for tending the ground, and for patterns of sunshine and rain. We cannot force growth. Neither can we pressure it. We can only wait, take care, and trust that one day, it will blossom into its natural beauty.


1 comment:

peter said...

That's an excellent video, Yap. I need to start asking for more time at work now, I'll use this video in defence :p nice share!!

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