Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A jolt quote

Sometimes we need a good quote to jolt us back into perspective. Here is one from Dallas Willard's The Divine Conspiracy:

"So don't worry about things, saying, "What are we going to eat?" or "Will we have anything to drink?" or "What will we wear?" (People who don't know God at all do that!) For your Father -- the One in the heavens around you -- knows you need these things. Instead, make it your top priority to be part of what God is doing and to have the kind of goodness he has. Everything else you need will be provided." (p67)



Pinkling said...

I love that book! His conversion of Bonhoeffer's 'cheap grace' to 'costly faithlessness' jolted me. He writes a compelling book. Thanks.

Conrade Yap, (Dr) said...

Willard is deep. Not as easy to read as Foster. I will be reaching for his other book: "Renovation of the heart" pretty soon.

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