Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Midweek Meditation: "Fitness Sign #6 - Leadership Development"

We continue with Gary McIntosh and Phil Stevenson's book "Building the Body" which is about the 12 characteristics of a fit Church. Last week, we talked about GOD-HONOURING STEWARDSHIP. This week, it is about LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT.


"Leadership development must involve leader-development capacity, a culture of leadership development, and a leadership development pipeline. Growth is more than a hobby; it is a habit. The person who chooses to be a leader developer must work at integrating the nine qualities below into their life.
  1. A leader developer appreciates others.
  2. A leader developer believes in the propensity of others to do their best.
  3. A leader developer praises people for what they have done.
  4. A leader developer empowers others.
  5. A leader developer listens and asks questions.
  6. A leader developer encourages and cares for others.
  7. A leader developer values clear thinking and strategic action.
  8. A leader developer  continually learns and places a high value on personal growth.
  9. A leader developer accepts personal responsibility to develop others." 
(adapter from McIntosh and Stevenson, "Building the Body", Baker Books, 2018, p97-100)

Tips: A church that develops leaders would:
  • Have identified those gifted and called to leadership;
  • Actively recruit and assess qualified people for various roles;
  • Welcome new leaders within the congregation;
  • Formally evaluate all leaders annually;
  • Recognize and Honour people for their effective leadership;
  • Trust leaders and follow them;
  • Hold leaders accountable for clearly defined expectations.

Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Midweek Meditation: "Fitness Sign #5 - God-Honouring Stewardship"

We continue with Gary McIntosh and Phil Stevenson's book "Building the Body" which is about the 12 characteristics of a fit Church. Last week, we talked about PERSONAL MINISTRY. This week, it is about GOD-HONOURING STEWARDSHIP.


"How people and churches handle money declares the kingdom to which they belong. Jesus laid out two options. We can either store up treasures for ourselves on earth or store up treasures for ourselves in heaven (see Matt 6:19-20). He also said, "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.

It seems as though Jesus was always asking, "What do you value most?" He was always contrasting two perspectives - for example, two kingdoms, two masters, or two values. So what do fit churches value most? Simply put, they value investing in heavenly wealth. The key question for fit church is, "Where is our treasure?"" (McIntosh and Stevenson, "Building the Body", Baker Books, 2018, p83)

"First, fit churches work from a well-defined budget.
Second, fit churches develop a ratio of expenditures to various operations and adjust it year to year.
Third, fit churches place a priority on staff, ministry, and facilities - in that order. While each church allocates budget expenditures differently, wise leaders make staffing a priority. In many ways, the quality of the staff determines the future of the church. Fit churches typically spend between 40 and 50 percent of their budgets on staff salaries, benefits, and reimbursements. While some churches proudly declare they give 50 percent of every dollar to missions, there is usually an unseen problem - the staff members are not generously paid. In other words, to give half of its income to missions, a church usually does so to the neglect of its own staff, which is certainly unbiblical. Fit churches follow the lead of Scripture, which declares, "The one who is taught the word is to share all good things with the one who teaches (Gal 6:6)."
Fourth, fit churches plan for funding God's work.
Fifth, fit churches train their people to give.
Sixth, fit churches prepare a resource development strategy.

" (87-90)

Tips: A church that has God-Honouring Stewardship would practise:
  • Regular teaching on biblical stewardship of time, treasure, and talent;
  • Systematic giving;
  • Wise handling of Church resources;
  • Alignment of budgets with vision and mission;
  • Faith in budgeting;
  • Open discussion of expectations in giving;
  • Requiring Church leaders to give regularly in their service.


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