Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Midweek Meditation: "Growing Old"

Growing Old

Life speeds up; Muscle slows down;
Busyness hooks on. Life goes on and on and on.

Busy. No time to rest. No time to pause.
Is faster better? Is busier sexier?

Like leeches, busyness drains the host.
Of passion, of purpose, of peace.

We are all growing; some bigger, some taller, but all older.
Are we any wiser? Is our relationship fuller?

The latest gadgets; the coolest widgets; the fastest digits.
Show me how they teach patience.
Show me how they bring joy
Show me the ways they grow our love
Show me how they can help us love one another better?

No. They teach more impatience.
They are not meant to bring joy
They make people love them more,
At the expense of time for loved ones and friends.

Alas! Speed and busyness are the currencies of worldliness.
Double-headed with a single purpose: Deception.
They tell us that faster and bigger is better.
They trick us by saying more-is-more,
When the truth is less is often more.

Those who give in to these twin deceivers;
Unwittingly deceive others as well.

Nay! Say no! Technologies are meant to serve people, not the other way round.
Growing older is more about grace, not race.
It is about pacing ourselves with people, not technologies.
Technological idolatry sucks. Sucks us empty. Keeps us on the leash.

Come grow old with me. Speed not, for speeding can kill.
Be Busy appropriately, for there is a time for everything.

Let's grow old with pace and grace.
Let's take time to pray, (NOT too busy to pray)
Let's take time to pause.
Let's take time to worship.
Let's take time to wait.

Come grow old and wise.


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