Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Midweek Meditation: The Gospel Prayer (Phase 3 of 4)

Phase 3: Asking for God to Bless Others
Continuing with Pastor and author J.D. Greear's teaching on the Gospel Prayer, this week is Phase 3.
  • "As You have been to me, so I will be to others."

    PRAY: As you have been to me, so I will be to others. What I have, I have because Christ gave up everything for me. He was rich and for my sake became poor. We who live by his death should therefore no longer live for ourselves, but should lay down our lives and resources for others as he laid down his for us.
This prayer reminds us that prayer is stretches beyond the individual, to incorporate a heart-felt concern for the things that God cares deeply about. It helps us remember that as we take care of the things that matter to God, we also trust that God will take care of the things that matter to us.


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