1) EXPENSIVE photocopying [esp when journals cannot be checked out]
2) LACK of chairs and tables in the atrium
3) MICROWAVESplutter [people who do not clean up after their food splutters all over the microwave interior]
4) NOISE in the construction [esp when attending lectures in chapel]
5) PEOPLE who do not clear up their mess after spilling or eating
6) PRAYER room being used for other events other than prayer
7) RISING tuition fees
8) TABLE/Chair Monopoly [When one person uses 2 tables and 4 chairs!]
9) UNSAFE to leave things lying around in the building esp laptops
10) UNWASHED Dishes in the Sink
Rank them if you dare! I will be coming up with another list on things I like about life at Regent. Stay tuned.
Good list Conrad!
Heh, I think you need a break Conrade! :)
Good one there.
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