Friday, April 21, 2006

Regent College - Soul of Ministry


Years ago, one Christian college embarked upon the vision of establishing closer links for Inter-Varsity fellowship. That college is Regent College.

Regent College, became well known for its awesome summer courses, which attracted top faculty like JI Packer, John Stott, Alistair McGrath, Eugene Peterson, Larry Crabb, Bruce Waltke, Marva Dawn, Luci Shaw, Gordon Fee, Gordon Smith and many others.

Then one college bucked the trend, of becoming the un-seminary at a time where most seminaries train people only for the 'Full-Time' Christian ministry, to be one that trains people for all vocations, both marketplace as well as Christian organizations. That college is Regent College who became world famous (Thanks to Dr Paul Stevens and many others), for its marketplace ministries.

Now Regent College has re-aligned its focus again. This time, to address the high fallout of graduates from pastoral ministry, embarking upon a very rare initiative, THE SOUL OF MINISTRY. The purpose is to help MDiv candidates at Regent College to address more adequately the areas of spiritual discernment and emotional well-being.

Check out this great web site offered by Regent.

I am looking forward to this amazing initiative for the next intensive 2 weeks of studying together and grouping together with all the MDiv students currently at Regent College. Regent is not a perfect place but it is certainly a place that constantly seeks to improve itself aggressively for the sake of the Christian witness to the world. Not for vain glory, but for the glory of God.


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