Sunday, June 29, 2008

Safety and the Internet

My kids were given a leaflet on the last week of school term entitled: "Safety and the Internet." This leaflet is produced by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection to help parents be involved in the online lingo that children are exposed to. The chart below represents some of the online language often used in chatroom situations using software like MSN, Facebook, Skype, or any of the many free online chat facilities.
  1. Cybertips Canada
  2. Protect Children
  3. Kids in the Know
  4. Safe Canada
  5. Age-Specific Tips
  6. Parents Guide for 8-9 (pdf)
  7. Parents Guide for 10-12 (pdf)
  8. Parents Guide for 13-15 (pdf)
For parents, it is good to be web-aware. Do try to update yourselves as much as possible. Perhaps in the process, parents can use this as an opportunity to connect with our kids. Teachers can relate to the children.


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