I found an interesting definition of humility today, from Ken Blanchard's
Heart of a Leader.People with humility don't think less of themselves;
they just think of themselves less. (60)
Here are 30 of my favourites from the book.
- "Don't wait until people do things exactly right before you praise them." (6)
- "No one can make you feel inferior without your permission." (16, attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt)
- "Never punish a learner." (28)
- "In managing people, it is easier to loosen up than tighten up." (42)
- "If you want people to be responsible, be responsive to their needs." (56)
- "Anything worth doing does not have to be done perfectly --- at first" (44)
- "Without a change in your behavior, just saying 'I'm sorry' is not enough." (74)
- "Take what you do seriously but yourself lightly." (78)
- "Real communication happens when people feel safe." (88)
- "Vision is knowing who you are, where you're going, and what will guide your journey." (92)
- "Vision is a lot more than putting a plaque on the wall. A real vision is lived, not framed" (94)
- "All good performance starts with clear goals." (96)
- "People without information cannot act responsibly. People with information are compelled to act responsibly." (108)
- "A river without banks is a large puddle" (114)
- "Leadership is not just what happens when you're there; it's what happens when you're not there." (116)
- "People in organizations need to develop a fascination for what doesn't work." (130)
- "Choose work you love and you will never have to work a day in your life." (132, attributed to Confucius)
- "Consistency isn't behaving the same way all the time." (138)
- "The only job security you have today is your commitment to continuous personal improvement." (142)
- "There's no pillow as soft as a good conscience." (148, attributed to John Wooden, former UCLA basketball coach)
- "It's surprising how much you can accomplish if you don't care who gets the credit." (150, attributed to Abraham Lincoln)
- "Early in life, people give up health to gain wealth... In later life, people give up some of their wealth to regain health!" (154)
- "Servant leadership is more about character than style." (156)
- "Am I a servant leader or a self-serving leader?" (158)
- "Take responsibility for making relationships work." (164)
- "G.O.L.F. stands for Game of Life First" (168)
- "Leadership is not something you do to people. It's something you do with people." (170)
- "As a leader, the most important earthly relationship you can cultivate is your relationship with yourself." (184)
- "Purpose is never about achievement; it is much bigger." (186)
- "Purpose has to do with one's calling - deciding what business you are in as a person." (188)
[Ken Blanchard,
The Heart of a Leader, Escondido: David C Cook, 2nd ed, 2007]
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