Websites like 'Church Blog Theory' are starting to ask if social networking is here to stay. The video above is part of the promotion for the book called Socialnomics
My Comments
I think social networking will be here for a while. It is a way people communicate with one another, just like the telephones since they were invented. Judging from the trend how emails replace telephone calls and fax messages, social networking is fast replacing emails as the communication of choice. The crux of the matter is this. People desire to know others, and be known. In an age where efficiency, productivity, costs and technical speed are worshiped, people will choose the medium that optimizes all four aspects of communications.
- Efficiency: If it gets the work done the way I want it, use it;
- Productivity: If it gets results according to my plans, use it;
- Costs: If it is cheap or free, use it;
- Speed: If it is fast and effective, use it.
Such a phenomena is coined by George Ritzer as the 'McDonaldization of Society
"McDonaldization is the process by which the principles of the fast-food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as of the rest of the world." (George Ritzer, The McDonaldization of Society, NY: Sage, 2004, p1)
In conclusion, I think the video does highlight some important observations. Yet, I do not believe that it will stay that way for long. Things like Facebook and Twitter will be overtaken by others, especially if they do not keep up with the changing environment, or the social and psychological movement of culture and society. regardless of what the video above advocates, I think any media, even social media, will need to keep up with what is going on in the metanarratives of modern society in order to be relevant. Otherwise, they will be a fad. Already there are many who are contemplating quitting Facebook altogether. It is a growing movement and I think it spells the beginning of the end of the Facebook fad. Yet, something else is more troubling. Whatever the new substitute for social media, I hope it will be something that enables people to communicate purposefully, with a firm understanding that both good AND bad information can be communicated quickly, efficiently and cheaply. I hope whatever new media will not be the domain of any one particular social group, but something that people of all ages can comfortably use. Keep it simple. Keep it meaningful. Remember, social media is only a tool. Keep it that way. If social networking is a form of electronic fast-food, remember that too much calories can kill relationships too.
Here's a recent article from Wired about the emergence of open some alternatives to Facebook: Open Facebook Alternatives Gain Momentum, $115K
It will be interesting to watch what comes of these. I would be glad to switch to an alternative of FB. I'm not comfortable with the direction the company has been moving, and that a company with such a huge installed base and so much control is run by a 25-year-old brat who has strange attitudes about privacy.
It's increasingly a 'people-driven' economy out there. For companies, it is the 'law of the eyeballs.' They want their sites to go viral and jack up their advertising revenue (and profits).
Alternatives or not, I guess people are generally not comfortable for any one company or organization seeking 'world domination.' I remember lots of people hating Microsoft for their monopoly, and now Apple is getting some flak as well; or the Big Oil companies and others.
I wonder if the monastic movement has anything to say about Facebook?
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