Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Midweek Meditation: Letting creation point us to the Creator

For this week, we enter into Autumn in the Western world. Throughout the city, trees are beginning to shed leaves. Yellow and orange are slowly engulfing the lush greens. The Summer heat is slowly dissipating. Nature has a visual way of telling us that the season is about to change. As we admire and ponder about creation, may our hearts be moved to worship. Let us be amazed at how the trees and the plants are able to sense the invisible changes in weather. We may feel the temperature spikes with our skin. The trees demonstrate the changes with their leaves.

As we pray and as we reflect upon these words, let us draw near to God. This prayer by Thomas Merton talks about learning to be guided by creation toward the Creator of these creation. It is a spiritual act of worship.

There is no leaf that is not in Your care.
There is no cry that was not heard by You before it was uttered.
There is no water in the shales that was not hidden there by Your wisdom.
There is no concealed spring that was not concealed by You.
There is no glen for a lone house that was not planned by You for a lone house.
There is no man for that acre of woods that was not made by You for that acre of woods.

But there is a greater comfort in the substance of silence than in the answer to a question.
Eternity is in the present.
Eternity is in the palm of the hand.
Eternity is a seed of fire whose sudden roots break barriers that keep my heart from being an abyss.

- (Thomas Merton, Dialogues with Silence, HarperSanFrancisco, 2001, p89.)


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