Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Midweek Meditation: Restrain Me O Lord

Here is a touching prayer by Thomas Merton, on how he submits himself to God.

"My God, lock me in Your Will,
imprison me in Your Love and Your wisdom,
draw me to Yourself.
I will never do anything when the strongest reason for doing it
is only my own satisfaction.
I want Your Will and Your Love.
I give myself blindly to You.
I trust in You.
Do You really want me in solitude?
Then lead me there and purify the way of all my own will
and of all my own desires.
I trust in You blindly.
I will keep close to You whatever the darkness,
whatever my fears may be.
Lead me to do the things in Your own time
and in Your own way."
(Thomas Merton, Dialogues with Silence, San Francisco, HarperCollins, 2001, 43)


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