Monday, September 01, 2014

BookPastor >> "A Well-Worn Path" (Dan Wilt)

TITLE: A Well-Worn Path: Thirty-One Daily Reflections for the Worshipping Heart
AUTHOR: Dan Wilt
PUBLISHER: Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook Publishers, 2013, (70 pages).

This is a 31-days of reflections that are simple, brief, and very profound. Ideal for meditation, it helps us to rest, to pause from the busyness of life, and to orientate our hearts and minds toward worshiping God. Written by an author and worship leader, he has many wise words and insights for not only worship leaders but also for anyone desiring to grow deeper in worship. This book contains 31 daily snippets of life, faith, and spirituality. Each day begins on a clear page with only a Bible verse printed. In many devotionals, many publishers have squeezed in as much as possible to ensure that whatever white space on the page would be filled. Not this devotional. It is plainly and simply one short Bible passage for readers to take, read, meditate, and allow the Word to draw them in. The next page gives a brief title and description followed by a prayer.

What makes this devotional really pleasant is the simplicity of it all. It helps one to focus on the Word. It helps one to pause and not rush to complete the devotion. Instead, it is written in an inviting manner that readers are free to read as slow as they want to, or as speedy as they like. Chances are, anyone doing the latter would be going through the passage a second time. Given the way that the devotional can draw one in, it is very likely that this book about a "well-worn path" can easily become a well-worn out book.

Great stuff.


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