AUTHOR: Leonard Ravenhill
PUBLISHER: Bloomington, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 2004.
Throughout the book, the author blasts prayer apathy. He attacks the prayerlessness in churches. He lambasts the preachers who get by the pulpit with their own manmade intelligence rather than the spiritual power of God. Above all, why revival tarries is because people do not pray well. Preaching needs the unction of the Holy Spirit. Eternity needs to be grasped. People need the fullest vision of hope in the midst of helplessness, holiness of heaven despite the hellishness of hell. The Church needs strong men of God. All of these are necessarily tied to prayer and prayerfulness. Without prayer, one depends more on self instead of on God.
Prayer precedes all manner of Christian work. Without prayer, preaching is but a place to showcase one's oratorical talent. Without prayer, preaching turns from soul-hot to dead-cold. Without prayer, bones remain dry. Prayerlessness breeds unbelief. Prayerlessness douses courage. Prayerlessness builds empire for self rather than God.
This is perhaps one of the best books to stir us to pray more, and to depend on God. It is a laserlike focus to rev the Church to take God more seriously in prayer. As I read this book, I feel the temperature in my heart rise. It is not a book to be trifled with. If you pick this book up and read, be prepared to be changed. Be prepared to be moved. Most importantly, be prepared to pray.
Ratings: 5 stars of 5.
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