Wednesday, April 06, 2011

ANNOUNCEMENT: Two New Book Review Blogs

This month, I have the longest list of new books from various publishers to be reviewed. From the looks of it, the list can only grow longer each month. Rather than overwhelming this blog with too many book reviews on any single day, I have decided to create two separate book blogs. Effective April 2011, most of my book reviews will be spread out between the two blogs below. In general, I will try to limit postings to at most once per day. You can also go to the book blog page link via the main YAPDATES blog page.

#1 - Panorama of a book Saint - (Mainly NEW / UNRELEASED BOOKS)
This blog focuses on the review of new books, and especially those that are yet to be released to the general public. The purpose is to give a telescopic view of the new book horizon.
Frequency: At most once a day.

#2 - Thoughts from a Book Loving Pastor (Good books for Spiritual Growth)
For this blog, I will attempt to review and suggest good books for the disciple. Occasionally, I will highlight some popular books of interest to educate and to inform the Christian public about the pluses and minuses of the book concerned.
Planned Frequency: One book per week.

As for my YAPDATES blog (this blog,) when necessary, I will re-post book reviews on this blog.


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