AUTHOR: Andy Andrews
PUBLISHER: Thomas-Nelson, 2010, (245pp)
While the previous book touches on the seven decisions to determine personal success, this book focuses on the one main principle to save all of humanity. With only 5 chances to give a correct answer, David Ponder, as leader of the gathering of people through the ages, Ponder is able to summon additional travelers to assist him. While many of the names are known figures, there is one new character who has impacted the world hugely, but remains largely unknown. This is Eric Erickson that the author laments as one 'whom almost no information exists in a single location.' (226)
With brilliant interactions among the various historical characters, Andrews lead readers through the decision making process, often filled with humour and the idiosyncrasies of each character. In the beginning, with the multitude of help and witnesses, readers can sense some confidence that it is only a matter of time before they all get it. After the first few failed attempts, readers can begin to feel a bit concerned for David Ponder and his group of travelers. Toward the end, one may even start pondering if they will solve the puzzle at all! The answer is simple yet profound.
Book Saint Comments
Sometimes, it feels like there is no correct answer in the first place. Each of the five attempts is like clues in a literary treasure hunt. I find myself riveted to the story, often wanting to flip to the last chapter to find out the end result. I am thankful to have resisted. Otherwise, the impact will be lost. There is an answer. Within the simple story, Andrews has a powerful message to deliver. Two words bring hope to the hopeless, inject courage to the discouraged, carry wisdom to the decision process, build character in people, direct self-discipline to the enthusiastic, maintain humility to the proud, and many more. While the two words may sound simple, the application of it carries multiple opportunities.
I like the many biblical allusions Andrews weaved into the book. Stories of courage, hope, humility, repentance. The story of Eric Erickson is the single biggest reason to buy the book. In fact, chapter 7 is worth the price of the book. What this largely unknown person has done for the world remains amazingly hidden. Only time can reveal how much we owe this man and his sacrifices.
With writers like Andy Andrews, we will have no problems in raising up a reading generation. Buy three books. Give away one. Constantly loan one out, and carefully keep one for a second read.
Ratings: 4.5 stars of 5.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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