Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Basics in Trusting God

What do we mean by these two words: Trusting God? How do we trust God? One thing is clear. It is easier to trust God when times are good. It is much more difficult when the times are bad. Jerry Bridges, famous for his classic, The Pursuit of Holiness, gives us three ways to help us to do exactly that. Firstly, it is to believe that God is completely sovereign. This brings us to willingly submit our wills to the will of God, trusting that God is in control. Secondly, it is to recognize that God is infinite in wisdom. This enables us to trust God by knowing that the One we trust is completely wise and understands all mysteries and all knowledge. Thirdly, it is to recognize that God is love, and God's will is driven primarily out of pure love. This enables us to trust by feeling comforted that God cares for us through it all.

Bridges goes on to share the following tip from an unknown Christian.

"God in His love always wills what is best for us. In his wisdom He always knows what is best, and in His sovereignty He has the power to bring it about." (Jerry Bridges, Trusting God, Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 1998,18)

I like that. One more thing. I think trials and tribulations are good tests on how authentic our faith in God is. There are those who know a lot about God, and those who know God. The difference is this. When adversities come, the former tries to reason and to rationalize, relying on the mind to make sense of it all. The latter on the other hand begins with a reliance on relationship. Those who know a lot about God are at greater risk of distancing themselves from God when they fail to rationalize it through their senses. Those who personally know God will not hesitate to trust. One knows in the head. The other knows in the heart. True trust in God begins in the Father's heart.

What kind of trust do you have? A head trust, or a heart trust?


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