Thursday, May 24, 2012

Seven Habits of the Burning Heart

Burning hearts remind me of the two men in the gospel of Luke: "They asked each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?" (Luke 24:32). When the Word of the Lord illumines our minds and opens our hearts, we get the special feeling of being strangely warmed like John Wesley's Aldersgate experience, or like the two men on the journey to Emmaus. The following list of seven habits are adapted from John Calvin's seal of a heart burning for God, as well as E. Stanley Ott's book, "Twelve Dynamic Shifts for Transforming Your Church."
  1. Habit of DEVOTION: to grow in relationship with Jesus through worship and devotion. 
  2. Habit of WELL-BEING: to seek physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
  3. Habit of BUILDING FAMILY/FRIENDSHIPS: to build relationships within families and friendship circles.
  4. Habit of FELLOWSHIP:  to spend time with other believers and community groups.
  5. Habit of STEWARDSHIP : to manage one's money, sexuality, power, time, and speech
  6. Habit of MINISTRY/MISSION: to nurture other people in well-being and discipleship
  7. Habit of WORK:  to offer up our work to god and standing up for Jesus in all situations.

Grow spiritually beginning with any of the seven habits. Cultivate them. Develop them with the help of the Holy Spirit. Our aim in growing is in being blessed to bless others, and ultimately, bring glory to God.


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