Monday, November 07, 2011

Day 14, Luke 24: Jesus' appearance after resurrection

TITLE: Day 14, Luke 24: Jesus' appearance after resurrection
THEME: Burning Hearts

Jesus is risen. He says it. He fulfills it. He demonstrates His truth in life, in death, and in resurrection from the dead. The road to Emmaus is striking for three reasons.

Firstly, the two men are unnamed. Apparently, they seem to know all the events that have happened that day, talking about the past, and history. Yet, when Jesus walks up with them, they hardly recognized Jesus. Are they too fixated on the past that they fail to recognize the presence of Christ? Are they too caught up with history that they forget that history is constantly in the making? Are the two unnamed persons reflective of modern believers nowadays, who talk about Jesus but fail to live out the Truth of Jesus' resurrection?

Secondly, they are able to relate all the teachings of Jesus, from the prophetic teachings and deeds, right up to the arrest and the promise of Jesus' resurrection on the third day. Yet, where is their faith? Why are they so knowledgeable in their heads, but still fail to sense the presence of Jesus in their midst?

Thirdly, why are they so slow to respond?

They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32)
What about us? Do our hearts burn with the truths of God's Word when we read it? Perhaps, it is not realistic to expect the Word of God to pop out at us every time we open the Word. After all, we are are creatures affected by the Fall. What about keeping the Word in our hearts so much that the Holy Spirit can burn the Word when the time is ripe? This is another strong case for Scripture memorization.

What I Learn: The man of God will meditate and keep God's Word in his heart.

I hope you have enjoyed the short 14-days journey through Jesus' life and his teachings. There is more.


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