Friday, November 11, 2011

Remembrance Day 2011

Today is 11 Nov 2011. At around 11.11am, countries observing remembrance day will be observing a minute's silence to remember the veterans of wars in the past as well as the present. I wrote on Facebook today:

It's Remembrance Day.
- Remembering the horrors and sorrows of war;
- Remembering the sacrifices of ordinary men and women
- Remembering that the peace we have is paid by the sacrifices of many
- Remembering we cannot take our world for granted;
- Remembering that peace is not gained by doing nothing. Peace is gained through regular dialogue (not monologues); being grateful for what we have (not bitter for what we don't have); and remembering the past meaningfully.

There is also no better way than to simply be quiet. Pray. Resolve within ourselves to be an agent of peace. Like a salmon swimming upstream, peacemaking is essential for peace. By not doing anything, we let the waters of nonchalance wash us downstream. We all can play our part. We can all make the future a more peaceful one for our children, our children's children, generations after generations. Remembrance is a first step.

Yapdates honour the Veterans of war, not just any one country, but all countries. After all, Christ died for all. Remember.


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